Vicci Blog

What is Presbyopia, and How Can You Correct It?

Vicci Eyewear

May 24, 2024

What is Presbyopia, and How Can You Correct It?

As we age, our eyes go through natural changes - one of the most common being presbyopia. Presbyopia is the normal loss of near vision that occurs as we grow older. If you find yourself holding reading material at arm's length or struggling to see fine print clearly, you're likely experiencing this refractive error.

What Causes Presbyopia?

Presbyopia develops gradually with age due to the hardening of the natural lenses in our eyes. This makes it difficult for the eyes to focus on close-up objects and reading material.

Symptoms of Presbyopia

  • Blurred vision at normal reading distance
  • Squinting or using brighter lighting to see better
  • Headaches or eye fatigue from close work
  • Holding reading materials at arm's length

While it's not an eye disease, presbyopia is an inevitable part of aging that usually becomes noticeable in the early to mid-40s. The condition progresses over time but can be easily corrected with treatment.

Treating and Correcting Presbyopia

Thankfully, there are several effective ways to counteract the effects of presbyopia and regain clear near vision:

Reading Glasses

The simplest solution is wearing over-the-counter or prescription reading glasses designed for close-up tasks like reading, computer work, and hobbies. Look for "plus" (+) lenses with different diopter strengths based on your age and prescription needs.

Bifocals or Progressive Lenses

If you already wear glasses for distance vision, bifocal or progressive addition lenses (PALs) provide both far and near correction in a single pair of eyeglasses. PALs feature a seamless transition between distance, intermediate, and near vision zones.

Monovision Contact Lenses

Some contact lens wearers opt for monovision, where one eye is corrected for distance, and the other is fitted for near vision. This approach takes adaptation but can eliminate the need for reading glasses.

Corneal Inlays or Refractive Surgery

Other treatments like corneal inlays or refractive surgery aim to improve near vision by reshaping the cornea. These options carry more risks and require a consultation with an ophthalmologist.


Tips for Coping with Presbyopia

While presbyopia is inevitable, there are some strategies to maximize your remaining near vision:

Don't Let Age-Related Presbyopia Hold You Back

Presbyopia is a normal, age-related vision change that affects everyone as we age. But with the proper corrective lenses or treatment approach, you can easily regain the near vision you need to work, read, and engage in close-up hobbies comfortably. If you start experiencing common presbyopia symptoms like squinting, eye strain or blurred near vision, schedule an appointment with your optometrist to get fitted for reading glasses or explore your best vision correction options.

Vicci Eyewear offers luxurious reading glasses and prescription lens solutions ideal for managing presbyopia and maintaining clear eyesight at any age.

Is there a woman who doesn’t like to look good at all times?

Is there a woman who doesn’t like to look good at all times?

Age can’t and shouldn’t stop you from feeling confident every day.

The whole idea behind Vicci™ Eyewear is providing you with beautiful and quality eyewear that you’d be proud to wear at all times.

Vicci™ Eyewear offers a wide selection of eyewear so you can easily choose the perfect pair of glasses that complements your features and easily matches your makeup to complete your look.

A Mama's Boy's Love for His Mother

Vicci™ Eyewear was inspired by a son’s love for his mother and his passion for fashion.

David Abramovici, the Founder of Vicci™ Eyewear, came from a family of artisans dedicated to craftsmanship since the 1920s.

David recalls that when his mother was around 65 years old, she would always ask him to stop by the local pharmacy to pick up some generic readers.

He would spend at least 20 minutes every time he went there, just standing in front of a rack full of tacky, ugly readers. It was difficult for him to choose a "nice" design that he thought would look good on his mother.

His mother enjoyed attending events and spending money on her dresses and accessories. Unfortunately, the readers are often underwhelming, and she was embarrassed to ever be seen wearing them. Like most women, she'd usually hide it in her lovely purse and would always look around before using them to read the menu or bill.

David wondered why there weren’t more choices for high-quality and fashionable custom readers for older women like his mother. Something she’d actually love to wear and be proud to be seen wearing.

And that’s when it hit him!



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What women are saying about us…
<p>- Gabby S.</p>

"These glasses are lightweight and stylish. Love how weightless they feel resting on my ears and nose. Vicci is stepping up the style game for blue light glasses!"

- Gabby S.

<p>- Ava A.</p>

"I LOVE the shape of the frames, not a style you see everywhere. very unique but i feel like it'll be a timeless style. they're such a great quality. "

- Ava A.

<p>- Patricia M.</p>

"My new glasses are blue light treated with a progressive premium lens. My glasses have been a definite fashion statement and I will suggest Vicci Eyewear to everyone. Thank you Vicci !"

- Patricia M.

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Unsure or Nervous About Buying Prescription Glasses Online?

You can now BOOK A 1:1 CONSULTATION with our EYEWEAR EXPERT. It would only take 15 to 30 minutes of your time and you will feel 100% confident buying glasses online. During the consultation call, our Eyewear Expert will:

  • 1
    Walk you through your prescription
  • 2
    Help you figure out the perfect frame to match your features and needs
  • 3
    Guide you in choosing the right lenses

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